Betreibergesellschaft Nordbahn GmbH

Betreibergesellschaft Nordbahn GmbH is a railway infrastructure company in existence since 1989 that operates the old northern industrial track. This stretch of track, about 13 km long, connects the Eberswalde marshalling yard with the industrial areas Angermünder Straße West, Finow Industriepark (Coppistraße), Industriegebiet am Binnenhafen and the industrial area at Britzer Straße.

Nordbahn has several wagon transfer points, a shunting track and a reserve track. In addition, affiliated companies may choose among different transport modes for handling, either lorry (street), wagon (railway) or ship (water).

If you would like to handle goods or you are looking for a suitable logistics partner, please take a look at the contact details for our affiliated companies.

You can find all the necessary requirements and authorisations for using Nordbahn’s railway facilities in the download area on the “Certificates/Terms and Conditions” page and on the homepage of Betreibergesellschaft Nordbahn GmbH.
